When it comes to preschool it seems like there are two types of teachers: those who make a fuss over everything and those who don't make a fuss of anything at all. One problem that I commonly experience is teachers going into a conflict without committing to their plan and the results they want. For example, say you are doing a small group activity and a child takes one of the materials to another part of the classroom. If you are going to say "the ____ must stay here in the ____ area", you need to stand by that rule. Oftentimes however, some teachers will give such a command, the child continues the negative behavior, and the teacher gives up trying to correct it. What does this say to children about rules in general, or listening to adults? Are you really setting rules, or are you merrily giving suggestions? In addition to respecting adults, children need to understand the importance of listening to commands for personal safety. If they are doing something that is...